Monday 31 August 2020

Book of the Month: If You Give a Pig a Party

As Dominic's birthday came up, I wondered what we should do to celebrate with Covid restrictions and precautions in place. Although, I didn't stress over it too much because he didn't really know what a Birthday party was. The last time he went to a Birthday party was his first birthday a year ago, he was invited to a friend's party in February but we were at the hospital having Elisabeth. 

I was thinking about inviting people to meet at a playground but turns out we ended up going to BC so had a little party for him with three of his cousins. 

It was funny to see how surprised and excited he was to have balloons, a cake, presents and people sing to him. Two weeks later it was my Birthday and he actually understood what that meant and was excited for more cake. 

Ever since his Birthday, Nico has been wanting to read "If You Give a Pig a Party". It has become one of his most requested nap time book. He loves talking about balloons and parties now. He also loves the part where the pig is playing "hide-and-seek". One day when he woke up from his nap, he came up to me, laughing, and said, "a pig a hide a tree", referring to the book we had read before his nap. 

I love the "If you give a mouse a ..." and "If you give a pig a ..." books. I like how they start and end with the same idea and in between shows how the character becomes distracted by what the original activity was. As children become more familiar with the theme of the book they remember what to look for and recognize that the story line goes back to the first activity the character wanted. 

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